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PMA deeply concerned as Govt not approving PMDC as autonomous body

PMA deeply concerned as Govt not approving PMDC as autonomous body

Pak Chronicle Report


Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) is very much concerned over the notification No. 4-11/2019-Min-I dated; 14-4-20 by the Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Pakistan, and PMA (Centre) stated in a statement issued on Wednesday.

Secretary General PMA (Centre), Dr Qaisar Sajjad maintained that in this notification autonomous bodies of different divisions have been approved and notified but unfortunately Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) has not been approved as autonomous body, whereas PMDC is constitutionally an autonomous regulatory body to regulate medical education and registration of medical professionals in the country.


PMA welcomes the formation of adhoc council of PMDC by the Supreme Court of Pakistan but we have concerns over not giving any time frame to the adhoc council to complete its task. We believe that the adhoc council setup is till the appointment /elections of the fresh council under the PMDC ordinance 1962 and being an adhoc setup, the first and last priority of this adhoc council is to conduct elections for the fresh council as given in PMDC ordinance 1962.


It is noted with regret that the elections are not even on the agenda of the adhoc council. The adhoc council is indulging in all other matters other than elections which is against the orders of the Honorable Supreme Court.


We would also mention here that the post of president of the council is an honorary post and no earlier President of even regular council has got any pay from PMDC, so under what moral or legal authority is President of an adhoc council being sanctioned pay from PMDC worth one million (according to reliable sources) by the adhoc council, concluded the press release. 



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