Pak Chronicle

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‘From the Middle of Mouth’ (Part 11) by Zaib Azkaar Hussain

‘From the Middle of Mouth’ (Part 11) by Zaib Azkaar Hussain

The day I was caught was not a day. It was a day of days that left no memorable occurrence. I had to run for years but that day chose to laugh on me. Subjectively, I had to move heavens and earth..yes i left no stone unturned but the sorry state of affairs remained unmoved. Suddenly I found myself at see..I was at the sea and sea was showing me its teeth. First of all I went to the two tears submitting they were not justified to hatch a conspiracy against a weak person. The tears became a single pleader of mine. I could not be listened to the voice of my mouth that produced to some meaningless sounds. Sorry but make me clear I myself had witnessed a very small, very tyny monster. Prior to this smallest warm I had never seen such an object. It’s shape was a different one rather mysterious and incomparable that could swallow an elephant and strain at a gnat. Ah I got now…yes that hinted me clearly by shaping and deshsping, by narrowing and widening that… those persona no grata were never allowed to go and grow…who decided this breed of people? Don’t I go by this division of desirable creatures and undesirable creatures…don’t I bow and can’t surrender my classless brains, ethos and echoes.. okay it’s unpolished…I love to live without the curve of your time and space’s dimensions.. I cannot see eye to eye to your settled dynamics and quantum mechanics..I tried to maintain staus-quo but they didn’t agree to this as they were in a hurry and we’re not bound to respect a subjudice matter pending whether it was pending with some law court and king’s court. They were actually operators…kings creators, I am suffering from the ailment of illusion, I am afraid. It can be a state of delusion as well but I never thought about the bigger and the biggess. I would be the first person to maintain silence but I would be the last who should shout against the cold blooded murders of all those succumbed to conspiracies. You may term them greats or ordinary ones. Yet I would never imagine to be like that…I am at complete loss and can’t think about the profitable investments and uncertain economic schemes as the poor international monetary fund issues in the favour of poor countries. Still those crazy investors keep up bowing before the tale bearers of the world bank. Don’t suppose such bank existed in your imagination, it does exist in your dreams and no body could ever be claimed that he himself witnessed his dreams in the daylight. it’s none of your business and just do your own business…you have brains and cranes..hands  are yours and of no one else..never accuse someone else and just employee your skills and acumen.. go ahead.. please..why don’t you only apply your talents to  win the wind and window your own?….

To be continued…..


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